Bodie Hodge Rob Webb

Was There Really a Global Flood?

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Was Noah’s ark and the flood a mere legend? Was it really a worldwide flood that covered the entire globe? Or did Noah only experience a local flood? In this live presentation of Off the Cuff with Bodie & Rocket Rob, learn the biblical answers to these questions!

This event is free with paid museum admission or museum membership. Seating is first come, first served.

ROB WEBB: Rob Webb holds a M.S. in Aerospace Engineering University of Colorado–Boulder. He is a writer, speaker, and cohost of Answers News for Answers in Genesis.

Learn more about Rob Webb

Bodie Hodge: Bodie Hodge has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

Learn more about Bodie Hodge

Rob Webb: Rob Webb holds a M.S. in Aerospace Engineering University of Colorado–Boulder. He is a writer, speaker, and cohost of Answers News for Answers in Genesis.

Learn more about Rob Webb