Did you know that October is National Dinosaur Month? Nothing fascinates both kids and adults quite like dinosaurs. Learn more about these fascinating creatures from a biblical perspective at the Creation Museum and through these resources this month!
As you tour the Creation Museum, you will encounter a variety of dinosaurs, including Ebenezer, our stunning full-size Allosaurus. He’s a testament to the reality of the global Flood of Noah’s day and the truth of God’s Word. Ebenezer is believed to be one of the six or seven best-preserved Allosaurus skulls ever discovered.
In Buddy Davis’ Dino Den at the Creation Museum, you’ll see dinosaur sculptures of all kinds and learn about their incredible design from a biblical worldview. Meet dinosaurs both big and small, examine a triceratops skeleton, check out the different types of dinosaur eggs, take a look at some real fossils, and encounter life-size sculptures that will leave you in awe of these incredible creatures.
We also offer a variety of Discover Programs, where your family can learn more about what God’s Word tells us. These programs are free with your Creation Museum admission.
Be sure to check out KidsAnswers.org this month as we feature 20 different dinosaurs as part of National Dinosaur Month. Each week day during the month of October, we will be featuring a new article from Kyle Morris, that highlights some of his favorite dinosaurs. Your family is sure to enjoy reading these together!
While you are visiting the Creation Museum, stop by our Dragon Hall Bookstore and Legacy Store to shop for resources related to dinosaurs. We have something for every age and every member of your family! You can also browse our selection on AnswersBookstore.com in between your visits.
Get equipped with biblical answers to common dinosaur questions with an Answers TV subscription. You’ll also have access to over 3,000 live and on-demand videos from the Creation Museum, Answers in Genesis, the Ark Encounter, and more. If you subscribe for a year, the cost is just over $3 a month. Sign up now to start your 7-day free trial today!
A sample of the dinosaur-related videos on Answers TV
We hope you take advantage of these resources not only during National Dinosaur Month but also all year long. Start planning your trip to the Creation Museum and see if you can find all of our dinosaurs both inside and outside in our botanical gardens!