
Accessibility Accommodations

The Creation Museum desires to provide excellent access to each of our guests. If you have questions during your visit, please speak to our Guest Services team—they will be happy to assist you! Please also reference our Accessibility Map on the Museum Maps Page for additional helpful information.

Service Animals

All service animals are freely admitted to the Creation Museum. A service animal relief area is located on-site in the Botanical Gardens. See our Accessibility Map for the location. Please note that “comfort,” “therapy,” and “emotional support” animals do not meet the definition of a service animal and are not permitted. Additionally, pets are not permitted in the museum.

palm plaza


When dining out, we understand how difficult choices can be when trying to avoid certain ingredients, whether it is due to food intolerances, food allergies, or personal choice. We offer both vegetarian and gluten-free options at Noah’s Café. Please visit our Allergen Friendly Information pages for details. And if you have any questions regarding dietary needs during your visit, please request to speak with a restaurant manager—we would be glad to assist you!

people signing in American Sign Language

Deaf and Hard of Hearing


Our streaming service, Answers.TV, is a wonderful resource with hundreds of captioned options!

ASL Interpreter for Live Programs

ASL interpreters are available for select daily programs on certain days. To view list of dates when ASL interpreters are scheduled, please click here.

Deaf Days

During our annual Deaf Days event, ASL interpreters and Deaf volunteers are available throughout the museum to answer questions, assist with ticket purchases, interpret the shows and lectures and more!


The Creation Museum exhibits are very visual and as you walk through them, you will find many video screens with open-captioned, short, educational videos. Much of the audio content in the museum is available visually in the exhibits.


The AnswersBookstore lists a variety of DVDs with captioning and subtitles.


Closed captioning is available upon request for all Stargazer Planetarium shows. Simply ask when purchasing Planetarium tickets. Closed captioning is also available upon request for The Last Adam show, and there are closed captioning devices available at the 4D Theater as well.

woman pointing at exhibit chalkboard


Botanical Gardens

The Botanical Gardens feature a paved nature trail that is a mile in length including five bridges and a boardwalk. Please reference the Accessibility Map for more information on bridge accessibility.

Creation Zoo

With the exception of the center interactive pen (which has a sand surface), all of the zoo’s pens are fully viewable via paved trails.


Ramps are located at every entrance and exit door to the Creation Museum. The first entrance features an automatic door.

Exhibit Access

Virtually every exhibit (except the "Dino Den") is wheelchair accessible. A series of gradual ramps take visitors through the Creation Museum’s main exhibits. This one-way path passes through all of the Walk-Through Biblical History and ends on the lower level, where you can bring an elevator back to the main level.


We have many accessible parking spaces available in our main parking lot. If you need assistance finding an available space, alert the individual directing traffic.


All restrooms throughout the facility and grounds are accessible. Wheelchair accessible water fountains are also available near the main interior restrooms.

Theater Access

All theaters are accessible—the Special Effects Theater and the Planetarium include wheelchair locations and companion seats. See a theater attendant for more information about reserving these spaces.


Crowds and Sensory Overload

The Creation Museum serves thousands of guests each day during peak seasons, so crowds can be congested in the main exhibits. Take a break at any time from the exhibits via an emergency exit (a stairwell back to the first level) located on the right where the Corruption exhibits begin and just after the Garden of Eden ends. (See map.) The expansive grounds and gardens, the Creation Zoo, and the playground can be great places to relax.

There are also shortcuts throughout the main exhibits, including one early on to bypass the Biblical Authority room if it is congested. This option is a two-way door located directly beside the Lucy hologram in the Starting Points room. Additionally, there is a bypass on the right in the Christ, Cross, and Consummation area to avoid the Legacy Hall auditorium crowds. This bypass will take you to the next exhibit called Borderlands. Reentrance to the exhibits can be done at any time during your visit.

You can also plan to arrive at the Creation Museum an hour after opening time to avoid the morning rush. And since most guests will begin with the main exhibits, you can choose to visit the grounds, zoo, and playground first or catch a morning program (found on your daily schedule). If you purchase a meal while on-site, try to go before noon or a little later in the afternoon to avoid lunch crowds.

Exhibit Information

The Creation Museum exhibits are a visual experience with many signs, videos, and displays.

Immediately upon entrance to the main exhibits, there is a theater that can be crowded and includes loud audio. The video that plays is about one minute long and can be skipped or simply returned to later.

Starting Points is the next room, and various video displays play on the walls. Please note that there is substantial audio stimulation in this room from the different videos playing around you.

Additionally, the first Corruption exhibit, halfway through the main exhibits, includes mild flashing lights, flashing pictures on the walls, and various sounds of war and pain—all depicting the brokenness of this world after sin entered. This exhibit can be passed through quickly if needed.

Note that while we encourage guests to move through the main exhibits in one direction (and you can reenter at your convenience), it is acceptable to go to the end and work your way backward to see an exhibit you bypassed earlier in the day.

See more information in our Accessibility Map.

Sensory Kits, Noise-Reducing Earmuffs and Earplugs

For guests with sensory sensitivities, complimentary sensory kits, as well as noise-reducing earmuffs and earplugs, are available and can be accessed at the Welcome Center upon arrival and the Guest Services desk inside the Main Hall of the museum. Simply provide the museum team with your name and phone number to utilize these options during your visit. All items can be returned to the Guest Services Desk before your departure.

(Note: Reservation of these options is not necessary.)

4D Special Effects Theater

The Special Effects Theater consists of two separate shows typically playing throughout the day—Dragons: Quest for Truth, a 20-minute presentation that ties in with our dragon exhibit, and Encounter the Wonder, an 11-minute presentation of the gospel message woven throughout all of Scripture, beginning with Genesis. The shows include 4D effects such as rumbling and shaking seats, loud audio, and puffs of air.

Additionally, strobe lights are used in these presentations. Dragons: Quest for Truth and Encounter the Wonder contain a sequence of flashing lights that may affect guests who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy or other photo sensitivities.

Blind girl feeling hammer


Audio Tours

The Creation Museum is pleased to offer a descriptive audio tour for the main exhibits. Guests can listen to the web-based version on their own devices or through a device that can be checked out at the Guest Services Desk.

Learn more


Millions of people have toured the Creation Museum—now you can learn from the one-of-a-kind displays and exhibits in this brand-new production featuring a walk-through with filmmaker Peter Schriemer.

Beginning with a brief welcome from Answers in Genesis and Creation Museum founder Ken Ham, this documentary “tour” overflows with faith and strengthening commentary about the amazing features found throughout the museum and grounds. Hear the inside story about the exquisitely handcrafted Tree of Life and take a chronological walk through history, including the worldwide flood of Noah’s day and the amazing geological and climate changes that followed. Like never before, you will understand sin’s effect on our world as the events of the garden of Eden and Noah’s flood are described. And you will look forward to the soon-coming consummation of this part of eternity.

Learn about the 80-seat planetarium, 200-seat special effects theater, a full-scale section of our life-size Noah’s Ark, the beautifully landscaped museum grounds, the delightful petting zoo, and so much more!

If you are listening while walking through the Creation Museum, don't forget to bring a pair of earbuds or headphones!


Restrooms and elevators are marked in Braille to assist with finding your way in the museum.

Tactile Experiences

Tactile experiences are approximately a half hour in length and include interaction with assorted items from the Museum exhibits.

See more information and sign up at the link below!

Still Need Help?

Fill out our contact form for additional information, or call our guest services department at (888) 582-4253.