Explore Biblical Archaeology

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Pricing & Registration
He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding; he reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him. (Daniel 2:21–22)

Do you wonder if the Bible is confirmed through archaeology? Archaeology is the study of ancient man and civilizations. Join archaeologist Corey East to observe real artifacts from the land of Israel and learn how the science of archaeology confirms the Bible.

Open to students ages 11 to 18.

Explore Biblical Archaeology is a 3-hour program scheduled from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Each Explore Day includes a minimum of three hands-on, interactive sessions.

Please keep in mind that some of our activities are contingent upon weather.

Availability is limited, so sign up today!

Pricing & Registration

  • $29.99/student (museum general admission is not required or included)
  • Includes all scheduled events and parking fee.

You can find answers to common questions on the Explore Days FAQ page.

Please contact us for more information or if you would like to schedule an exclusive Explore day for your group.


Session 1 Session 2 Session 3
Year 1
Dating and Chronology
Introduction to Chronology: How do we tell history? Dating Methods Building a Biblical Chronology
Year 2
What Is Biblical Archaeology?
What is biblical archaeology and why does it matter? How are artifacts dated using archaeological time lines? How does archaeology confirm the Bible?
Year 3
Preservation of Ancient Cultures
How did ancient cultures preserve their history? Ancient writing methods: How was the Bible written? Preserving the past: How do we preserve artifacts for future generations?
Year 4
Anthropology: What does it mean to be human?
Searching for Adam: What do we do with ape-men? Three ways to make an ape-man and why does it matter? One Race, One Blood: How do we view different people groups from a biblical perspective?

The Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 seasons of Explore will be covering Year 3 topics.