
Global or Local?

by Creation Museum on August 29, 2024

Skeptics often claim the Genesis flood was merely local and not worldwide. But in Genesis 7, we receive confirmation that the flood lasted over a year and, at its peak, covered all of the mountains 15 cubits deep—so there is no way it could have only been local.

As we look at our world, we see evidence of a global flood all around us. Such a flood had never been seen before and has not been seen since, but we can look to our own backyards and around the world to see what other catastrophes can teach us about the flood.

Guest Looking at Mt. St. Helens Signage

For example, when we observe a local river flood, we often see the erosion and deposition of less than 1/1000 cubic miles of sediment within minutes or hours. Yet the Mount St. Helens eruption took only minutes to erode and deposit an impressive 0.7 cubic miles of sand and mud. If these “quick” events leave behind such marks on the earth, just think what a global flood would have done—and an examination of the geological record does reveal similar evidence on a scale consistent with such a catastrophe.

When we take Scripture at its word, it’s clear that the flood of Noah’s day was indeed a global event—and geologic evidence only confirms that fact.

Learn more during your visit to the Creation Museum in our Flood Geology exhibit.

Learn About Science from a Biblical Worldview

Did you know that we have science opportunities to supplement your Christian school or homeschool curriculum? We invite you to join us at the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter, where we have educational opportunities for everyone in your family.

Here are just a few of the programs you may be interested in:

  • Explore Days: Young people are naturally curious about creation and filled with questions about how science and the Bible work together to glorify God. Explore Days (for students ages 11–18) offer a three-hour program of hands-on science learning with a biblical worldview. We also offer a half-day Explore Jr. for kids ages 5–10.
    Explore Jr. Forensics
  • High School Labs: Students will participate in engaging, hands-on experimentation and application uniquely presented from a biblical worldview. This program includes 12 sessions of 24 hands-on labs for biology, chemistry, environmental science, forensic science, and physical science during the 2024–2025 academic year.
    High School Chemistry Lab
  • Summer Camps: Join us at the Creation Museum for our five-day summer camps for children ages 11–18. These camps present a variety of scientific topics from a biblical worldview and are perfect for any science enthusiast. Your 5–10-year-old kids can also join us for a similar experience at our three-day summer camp.
    Explore Day

Take advantage of all the educational programs available to your students at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter this school year.