Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! This week, families all over the world will gather together for Easter Sunday and celebrate the resurrection of our Lord from the grave. When you visit the Creation Museum, you can learn more about Jesus’ death and resurrection through our Christ, Cross, and Consummation exhibit and a unique event happening April 7–8, 2023.
After being betrayed by one of his disciples, Jesus was arrested, led through multiple trials, beaten, mocked, and accused of blasphemy by the Jewish leaders. Although the Roman governor, Pilate, found no fault in him, he condemned Jesus to be flogged and crucified outside Jerusalem on a hill called Calvary—the place of a skull (John 18–19).
Just before he died, Jesus said, “It is finished.” In the original language, this referred to a debt that had been paid in full. In other words, his sacrificial death paid the full price of our sin debt (John 19:30).
Followers of other religions generally believe they can earn eternal life by performing good deeds. But if this were true, then the Son of God did not need to die on the cross, and Jesus would have been mistaken when he said that no one could come to God except through him (John 14:6).
Many professing Christians believe that to be saved they must add good works to faith in Christ. But this idea neglects the fact that the once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus Christ was sufficient to pay for all our sins.
The Bible explains that death is the penalty for sin and that without the shedding of blood, there can be no forgiveness (Romans 6:23; Hebrews 9:22).
For centuries, God’s people shed animal blood to cover their sins, but the blood of these creatures could never take away sins (Hebrews 10:4).
Only a perfect man could pay for our rebellion. We are all corrupted by sin, so the Son of God became a man, lived a sinless life, and died on the cross as our substitute—the perfect, once-for-all sacrifice for sin.
On the third day, several women set out for the tomb while it was still dark. There was an earthquake; an angel rolled away the stone and terrified the guards. He told the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as He said. Come, see the place where he lay” (Matthew 28:5–6).
The resurrection of Jesus Christ demonstrated much more than just his power over the grave. It also gives us confidence in our hope of eternal life.
This amazing miracle demonstrates that God fully endorsed the work and claims of Jesus. This is particularly significant regarding Christ’s claims of divinity. If Jesus was not God in the flesh as he claimed, why would God respond by fulfilling a prediction confirming the truth of Christ’s claims? Therefore, the resurrection of Jesus Christ proves both his divinity and that he had God’s absolute approval.
The resurrection also grants believers in Christ a preview of the future in which they will also be raised in glorified bodies. Our corruptible and mortal bodies will become incorruptible and immortal (1 Corinthians 15:53).
If you are looking for a unique way to celebrate Christ’s death and resurrection this Friday and Saturday, consider celebrating with us at the Creation Museum. We’re hosting a special Easter Living History Experience on April 7–8, 2023.
Staff and volunteers in accurately recreated costumes will give details on the historical background of Easter and Passover with breadmaking, a moneychanger’s area (which has been expanded from last year to include a display on wages and currency exchange), and an expanded soldiers’ display with details on Roman justice and punishment. One of our exhibit researchers, Levi Sherman, will even be presenting both days in Legacy Hall on the “Roman” garrison of Judea and the soldiers of the New Testament.
This special event is included with your Creation Museum admission, so be sure to visit and see the account of Easter come to life.