As we near the end of 2021, there’s so much going on at the Creation Museum, Answers in Genesis, and the Ark Encounter, and your generous giving makes it possible. We’re so incredibly thankful for those who partner with us through giving financially, praying, and volunteering. Learn more about how you can get involved and help us continue to share the gospel.
We want to encourage you to consider giving toward our biggest matching-gift challenge ever. A family foundation will match every dollar our supporters give to this through December 31, 2021, up to $8.5 million.
These funds will go toward upgrading the Creation Museum’s Legacy Hall, constructing a teaching center (with special classrooms), expanding the Eden Zoo, adding a spectacular model of first-century Jerusalem to the Ark Encounter, and so much more.
Construction on the Creation Museum’s Legacy Hall has begun!
Plans for upgrading the Creation Museum’s Legacy Hall
Plans for the Eden Zoo at the Creation Museum
First-century Jerusalem model
Plans for the building that will house the Jerusalem model
Plans for the building that will house the Jerusalem model
We’re so excited and hope you will join in the incredible things the Lord is doing and the people he is reaching through our attractions.
We are asking you to partner with us to get these exciting projects underway.
Your investment in this ministry has resulted in great (and increasing) spiritual impact on tens of millions of people. And we are again asking God’s people to help us reach even more people with the most vital message in the entire universe—the message of the truth of God’s Word and the gospel.
Thank you for helping us equip believers and reach millions with the gospel. God is blessing this ministry in amazing ways!