
5 Hard-Hitting Presentations at the Creation Museum

by Creation Museum on February 8, 2018

When you visit the Creation Museum, you will see many exhibits that show why God´s infallible Word, rather than man´s faulty assumptions, is the place to begin if we want to make sense of our world.

Did you know we also have a variety of presentations designed to equip your family with answers to the tough questions of our day? Learn more about five of our hard-hitting presentation topics to look for as you start planning your Creation Museum trip, and read about a twice-weekly program that discusses timely items in the news.

Is the Earth Flat?

In recent years there has been a sharp increase in the number of people who believe the earth is flat. In this presentation, Dr. Danny Faulkner will briefly describe the history of this phenomenon, examine some of the supposed biblical and physical evidence for a flat earth, and delve into the possible motives of those promoting this idea.

Dr. Danny Faulkner

Dr. Danny Faulkner

Millions of Years: Where Did the Idea Come From?

To really understand what is wrong with belief in millions of years, we need to go back to the early 19th century and study the origin of this idea. Dr. Terry Mortenson’s unique presentation will clearly show that the idea was not the result of just letting the rocks and fossils “speak for themselves,” but rather it comes from anti-Biblical worldviews (or philosophical assumptions) being imposed on the geological evidence.

Dr. Terry Mortenson

Dr. Terry Mortenson

Replacing Darwin: The New Origin of Species

For 150 years, Darwin’s idea of evolution has dominated the scientific community. It has also directly assaulted the text of Genesis. Could modern scientific discoveries overthrow Darwin’s reign? Come to Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson’s presentation to find out how recent findings are rewriting a century and a half of “settled science.”

Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson

Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson

Tower of Babel: Origin of Races

Is there only one race? Where did Cain get his wife? How does evolution provide a basis for racism? How does the Tower of Babel relate to the formation of different people groups? Dr. Georgia Purdom answers these questions and equips guests with biblical and scientific knowledge in this presentation that shows that Genesis is true history—we are all one race, and there is no basis for racism.

Dr. Georgia Purdom

Dr. Georgia Purdom

Gay Marriage and God’s Word

As believers, each of us will someday, in some way, be called to give an answer to the issue of homosexuality and gay “marriage.” What does the Bible say about how Christians should approach this increasingly polarizing issue? Join Avery Foley as she explores relevant passages throughout Scripture. This new presentation urges all Christians to stand on the authority of God’s Word in all areas—including marriage!

Answers News

In addition to our daily presentations, we also host a twice-a-week program in Legacy Hall. Answers News takes a look at timely science and culture items from a biblical worldview perspective. This Facebook Live program typically features Dr. Georgia Purdom, Bodie Hodge, and Ken Ham live from the Creation Museum. Each episode provides solid, biblical answers to the issues of our day presented by the Answers News team in an engaging way.

Ken Ham, Dr. Georgia Purdom, and Bodie Hodge

Ken Ham, Dr. Georgia Purdom, and Bodie Hodge

*Please note: The Answers News schedule is subject to change.

Of course this quick list doesn’t include all of the presentations you can catch while you are here! Since these particular presentations are not offered every day, be sure to check our events calendar or your daily schedule to see what presentations you can catch during your visit. We would love to see your favorite photos from your trip, so please share them with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter using #creationmuseum.