Before Buddy’s life-size dinosaurs moved into the Creation Museum, they were
very popular exhibits at shopping malls around the country. Could you imagine going to a mall and seeing a lineup of dinosaurs of various sizes? What would be missing is the teaching opportunity for children and adults alike. Shoppers in the mall would just assume that they were looking at replicas of creatures that existed 65,000,000 years ago because of the indoctrination of evolution from various sources like textbooks and educational television channels. Unless they met Buddy, they would have no clue that he was a Bible-believing Christian and had sculpted these wonderful creatures for the glory of God! Next time you visit the museum, be sure to spend a little extra time in the
Dino Den and discover the facts that the shoppers at the mall were missing out on. You might even check the
museum’s calendar and see if Buddy is going to be there when you visit. You will enjoy his workshops and his must-see-and-enjoy “Creation Musical Adventure.”