
A Pavilion Provided

by Creation Museum on May 9, 2007

Periodically, we need to break from daily routines and go somewhere for a time of spiritual refreshment.Thus, we seek a retreat for personal time with the Lord. In Psalms 27:5 and 31:20, David speaks of God’s pavilion or dwelling place. In the presence of God, he finds security amid troubles.

Thanks to volunteer/contractor Steve, the Creation Museum has been blessed with a truly beautiful pavilion situated on the water. Countless museum guests will visit the pavilion. For many, it will be a place of retreat, for reflection and prayer.

The 18' x 36' double-roofed pavilion did not come about overnight, although it almost seems that way. On November 15, 2006, a simple email message arrived:

I am a manufacturer of gazebos. I was wondering if there was any interest in some gazebos in the new museum. You can look at my web site at It is possible that I would donate some. Steve

Steve’s company is Pequea Gazebos, located in Kinzers, Pennsylvania, in “Pennsylvania Dutch” country. I contacted Steve, and I was encouraged. Then I looked at his website, and I was excited! I urged Tim, Manager of Landscaping, to check out the Pequea Gazebos website. To say that Tim was excited would be an understatement. Within hours, he had begun making plans with Steve. When he filled me in, he could hardly contain himself.

Fast forward three months to February 16, 2007. Tim was concerned. He needed to get site preparation details from Steve and nail down a timetable. Even though he had left messages, he’d had no success in making contact. We wondered if God was closing this door for some reason.

With little time to spare, I decided to try calling. The Lord handled the timing, and Steve answered the phone. I learned that Steve’s burden for the Creation Museum had actually grown. As director of a local ministry to children, Steve has a heart for upholding God’s Word. He told me that he had been blessed by AiG’s step of faith in building the Creation Museum for that very purpose. Thus, the Lord had been leading him to consider doing more than what he had initially discussed with Tim.

So what had happened? Back in June of 2006, Pequea Gazebos had a devastating fire. In the peak season, their production facility was a total loss. Steve had not mentioned it, but his company was still in the recovery and rebuilding process when he first contacted AiG. Talk about a step of faith! Consider too, that our structure, the Pequea Pavilion, is their largest standard model—not what Steve initially had in mind.

We were never forgotten. Everyone at Pequea Gazebos was working diligently to get back into production. Steve was trusting that we’d get back in touch at the right time. In the end, 8–10 men fabricated the components. All the finished parts were loaded onto Marlin’s semi-trailer. On Friday, April 27, the load arrived at 6:45 AM, accompanied by Steve and a team of four men (Jason, Manny, Kevin, and Gideon). Despite chilly, wet weather and the nine hour trip, they worked throughout the day and into the night, finishing at 9:30 PM.

All of this was provided for just the cost of the materials and the diesel fuel! Although Tim and I both offered nearby accommodations, we were politely declined. “We have something to do tomorrow,” Steve explained matter-of-factly. “We have four drivers, and it’s only a 16-footer. We can get it done in about three hours. We can rest all day after that.” Once again, the Creation Museum has been beautifully enhanced through hard-working volunteers with a heart for God and his incomparable Word.

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Thanks for stopping by, please continue to pray for us as we prepare for our Grand Opening, May 28!