
Culture in Crisis

by Creation Museum on November 3, 2006

When guests turn the corner to enter the Culture in Crisis exhibit, they’ll see this:

The first part of the room focuses on the disintegration of the modern home and statistics about its decline. Guests can look through three windows into three rooms in the home. The activities in each room are shown on a looping video.

The first window shows two boys looking at pornography on the computer and playing with drugs.

Through the second window, guests will see a girl crying and reading pamphlets about abortion.

Parents are seen arguing through the third window. The wife is trying to talk, and the husband is too busy watching sports on TV. The theme is breakdown of communication in nominally Christian homes, where the Bible has lost its authority in our day-to-day lives.

On the other side of the space is a church. Smashed into the foundation of the church building is a wrecking ball labeled “millions of years.”

Bricks are scattered on the floor, showing verse references and doctrines from Genesis. The bricks say things like “made in the image of God” and “one man, one woman, for life.”

Inside the church is the same family along with the congregation. They are singing “All Things Great and Beautiful,” ignorant of the “millions of years” wrecking ball. After the singing, the pastor starts preaching. His message sounds good as he proclaims the Bible to be God’s inerrant Word, until you hear him say how you can believe in millions of years and the Bible. Statistics on children leaving the church will be displayed.

The key to repairing our lives, our homes, our churches, and our society is to get back to Genesis. So in the corner, the Christian paleontologist (from the dinosaur dig site) is pushing a wheelbarrow labeled “God’s Word is truth.” It’s filled with bricks showing the doctrines and truths found in Genesis, including the origin of each major science discipline. The paleontologist is repairing the church wall with these bricks.

As you prepare to leave the exhibit, the back wall will have an invitation, “Now we invite you to experience the truth, as God’s Word reveals it.”

Thanks again for joining us. We appreciate all of your prayers and support for the museum.