
Counsel with many advisors

by Creation Museum on March 31, 2006

Proverbs 24:6, states, “For waging war you need guidance, and for victory many advisers.

For our part in the battle, the Museum Content Development Department has taken Proverbs 24:6 literally and has sought the wise counsel of many advisors and experts in a variety of fields. They include:

Answers in Genesis–US:

Dr. David Menton (biology). Dr. Menton was awarded “Professor of the Year” in 1998 while associate professor of anatomy at the respected Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. He is now a professor emeritus (he holds a PhD in cell biology from an Ivy League school, Brown University). Dr. Menton now serves as a speaker for AiG–US.

Dr. Jason Lisle (astronomy and physics). An astrophysicist with a PhD from the University of Colorado at Boulder, Dr. Lisle is now helping AiG (and the creation movement as a whole) refute the evolutionary account of origins, using his strong science background. He will also help design exciting planetarium programs for the Creation Museum.

Dr. Terry Mortenson (theology and history). With a PhD in the history of geology from the University of Coventry in England, Dr. Mortenson has been studying and speaking on the creation/evolution controversy throughout North America and Europe since the late 1970s. He also holds a masters of divinity degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Chicago, Illinois.

Dr. Georgia Purdom (biology). Dr. Purdom received her PhD in molecular genetics from The Ohio State University. Among Dr. Purdom’s professional accomplishments include winning a variety of honors, presenting research at national conferences, and completing five years of teaching at Mt. Vernon Nazarene University (Ohio), where she is completing her final academic year as an associate professor of biology (and then will join AiG full time).

Steven (theology). Steve holds a master of divinity and has served as a pastor in Canada and is now serving as senior event scheduler for AiG–US.

Mike Oard (ice age expert). Recently retired from the National Weather Service, meteorologist Mike Oard, who received an MS in atmospheric science from the University of Washington, gives fascinating illustrated talks at an easy-to-understand level on the compelling evidence for Noah’s flood and the ice age, and how the incredible woolly mammoth connects to biblical history.

Dr. Eric Norman (biochemistry). Eric holds a PhD in biochemistry and runs his own research lab in Cincinnati, Ohio. Eric regularly volunteers as a researcher and tour guide at AiG–US.

Creation Ministries International in Canada:

Dr. Emil Silvestru (cave formation). Dr. Silvestru earned his PhD in geology at the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania, (where he has worked as an associate professor) in karst sedimentology. A world authority on the geology of caves, he has published 30 scientific papers and coauthored one book. He was, until recently, the head scientist at the world's first speleological institute (speleology = the study of caves).

Institute for Creation Research:

Dr. John Baumgardner (catastrophic plate tectonics). Dr. Baumgardner earned a PhD in geophysics at UCLA where he first developed a 3D spherical-shell finite-element model for earth’s mantle (now known as TERRA) and worked for a number of years at Los Alamos National Laboratory. After retiring from Los Alamos, Dr. Baumgardner now serves as professor of geophysics and space physics at the Institute for Creation Research.

Dr. D. Russell Humphreys (radiometric dating). Dr. Humphreys earned a Ph.D. from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, and worked as a physicist at Sandia National Laboratory, until retiring several years ago. He is now serving as an associate professor of physics at the Institute for Creation Research.

Dr. Andrew Snelling (geology and radiometric dating). Dr. Snelling earned a PhD in geology at the University of Sydney in Australia and worked for a number of years in creation ministry where he became the world’s leading creationist geologist. Dr. Snelling is now serving as professor of geology at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cedarville University:

Dr. John Whitmore (geology and paleontology). John holds a PhD in geology and is serving as associate professor of geology at Cedarville University, Cedarville, Ohio.

Bryan College:

Dr. Kurt Wise (paleontology, geology). Dr. Wise earned a PhD in paleontology while studying under the famous evolutionist, Stephen J. Gould. Dr. Wise is completing his 17th year as associate professor of science and director of the Center for Origins Research at Bryan College. This next fall, Dr. Wise will be assuming a position at Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY. Dr. Wise is also one of the co-founders of the Baraminology Study Group.

The Master’s College:

Dr. Steven Boyd (theology and Old Testament Hebrew). Steven holds a PhD in Semitic languages from Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati and is now serving as an associate professor of Old Testament at The Master’s College in Santa Clarita, CA.

Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum:

Joe Taylor (fossil collection and preparation). Joe is the director and curator of the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum in Crosbyton, TX. His expertise is in the location, excavation, preparation, and presentation of fossils.

As we continue to develop the videos, audios, and exhibits, we will continue to seek the counsel of experts to help ensure biblical and scientific accuracy. Please pray for these experts and for the Content Development Department as we all serve as warriors in the battle for God’s truth. With your prayers, we will not fail in the task before us.

Proverbs 15:22: “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.