
Operations Update---Marching on

by Creation Museum on March 13, 2006

The world of Museum Operations continues to get busier and busier even though we are still over a year from the grand opening! If you have been reading the museum blog you already know that the operations team facilitates the many special events that take place in the museum, even during the construction phase still underway and going "full tilt." The month of March 2006 has been no exception!

Today we are highlighting three of the thirteen March events:

Hispanic Pastors' Lunch

Carl Kerby and the Ministry Relations team over the last year have been inviting local pastors to visit the Creation Museum through what is called a Pastors' Lunch. The pastors are introduced to the ministry, given a tour the museum, given some free AiG material, and provided with a free lunch. Recently, a friend of the ministry asked us about doing a Hispanic pastors' luncheon. He is Hispanic and agreed to translate the presentation and tour. Also, with our new worldwide outreach director, Dr. David Crandall, on board, we decided it would be a great opportunity to reach the Hispanic pastors in the area. On March 2nd, we held our very first Hispanic Pastors' Luncheon and it was a great success!

Brown Bag staff presentation

Pastor Mike Barnett of the First Baptist Church of Ocean Springs, Mississippi served as host to the AiG Katrina Aid crew that traveled down with gifts of love and labor to help some of those devastated by Katrina. On March 8th, Pastor Barnett spoke to the AiG staff in a special presentation at noon in the Morris & Whitcomb lecture rooms.

Special evening presentation by Dr. Dennis Rainey

Last year we started inviting speakers from other ministries to visit the Creation Museum and give a short presentation to our staff and local supporters during an evening event. Our speakers last year were Dr. Duane Gish and Dr. David Noebel---they both had outstanding presentations! Our first speaker this year will be Dr. Dennis Rainey of FamilyLife Ministries and we are looking forward to hearing him speak.

So we continue to host more and more special events even as the construction continues at a faster and faster pace. Please continue to help us by praying that we will achieve the right balance between activities like these and finishing the work on the Creation Museum.

Thanks again for joining us. We appreciate all of your prayers and support for the museum.