In our 2003 February Answers Update, we shared with you the 2003 construction schedule, and a budget for the building itself, which totals nearly $2.5 million in construction expenses for 2003 alone. The entire building construction budget totals $12 million (it also includes operational, legal, research and other costs to date). The cost of the building itself is approximately $10 million, which is on track with our original projected cost of four years ago.
In 2001 we began detailed research and evaluation in preparation for work on the museum’s “storyline.” Members of the museum team have visited many contemporary museums and other venues during the last 16 months to see what methods they use to present their message.
With this research, and with the staff addition of experienced design director Patrick, we have learned that fully engaging, sensory experiences are what people now expect.
The new Creation Museum's steel frame being constructed, 17 April 2003.
In this day and age, an effective museum cannot be solely an attractive building with artifacts and text-heavy signs on the walls. In general, people do not read most of those signs and learn very little in such an environment. To effectively present a message, it must be designed and developed as “edu-tainment.”
Our vision for the actual museum presentation has grown with the museum’s increasing nationwide popularity, as well as with the development of new technology in the museum/entertainment industry. Research has shown us that the exhibits and the environments we want to create will be more expensive than our original museum concepts.
Five years ago when we launched our plan and began to pursue it in earnest, the $3-4 million of the capital campaign ($14 million total) that would be available after construction costs seemed like a sufficient amount to enable us to present this life-changing message. Now we know, with the cost of current technology, that it will take half of that original amount just to pay for a computerized control system for the lighting, audio, animation, and other special effects we have planned!
The biblical and evangelistic messages of this museum are so vital that they must be heard! We need to capture and hold the attention of our audience to make that happen. Most people who will consider visiting the Creation Museum will be used to modern museums, zoos, and theme parks like Universal Studios Orlando, which recently spent $100 million on one attraction alone!
Now, we certainly do not plan on creating a 3-D thrill ride, but the following are some realistic examples of what guests might experience at the Creation Museum, with the quality matching or exceeding similarly styled exhibits and attractions around the world.
Discover an overview of God’s plan for mankind as you experience a one-of-a-kind sight-and-sound sensation, taking you through the Seven C’s of history, as seen through the lenses of biblical glasses: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation.
Take a walk through the Seven C’s of history. Experience the 6 Days of Creation as never before; see the changes that sin brought upon God’s perfect creation; watch Noah and his family build the Ark and experience the Flood and its catastrophic effects; travel through ancient Babylon and see the Tower of Babel; experience the groaning of all creation as we journey towards the conclusion of history and the beginning of a new world with new life and new hope and promise.
Experience hands-on exhibits and the “Wonders of Creation” in the Discovery Center for kids, with live displays of reptiles, insects and fish, and let these creatures tell the story of the Master Designer and the beauty and wonder found in nature.
Discover “History in the Making” and see whether things are actually as old as evolutionists claim.
Walk along “primeval paths” and through misty forests, and discover the “Awesome Dinosaurs” and other animals of Eden.
Enjoy an incredible view of creation in the sky, in our dynamic presentation “The Heavens Declare” and other exhilarating, unique planetarium shows and dynamic creation films.
Take a stroll on a path in the wild, packed with adventure and fun! Be sure to put on your biblical glasses so you’ll be ready to discover new things about God’s amazing creatures and plants! Walk along the fossil trail and hunt for buried fossils in the sand!
As you can see, the new museum design has the potential to pack quite a punch and be a memorable experience for every guest!
Creating the environments and programs needed to make an unforgettable impression involves the high costs of such things as artificial trees and rock-water falls, animated figures, state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment and video production, to name a few. Taking these and other expenses into consideration, we have set a goal to raise $10 million to develop the exhibits and related programs necessary to tell this important story.
We are all aware that this is a lofty goal, especially during an uncertain economy. But it is one that has been set only after much prayer, detailed research and planning. It is a “God-sized” project that can only be accomplished through the prayers and faithful support of God’s people.
Our overall mission in building this complex is not to have an entertaining, worldclass attraction, although we trust that it will certainly be that. Our mission, simply stated, is:
Please pray that:
Please join with us and the thousands who have already been participating in this project as we continue to step out in faith, not foolishly but carefully, trusting the Lord and strengthened by His amazing provision in this international museum project.