The construction of the Creation Museum is humming along. AiG has successfully completed all of the preliminary permit requirements, and we have our site plan approval in hand. We began pouring foundations last week!
The amount of construction activity at the site has increased dramatically, and we anticipate a very busy fall and winter. Our Construction Manager, Kevin, has already overseen the installation of all the underground utilities on the site.
Underground utilities include the electricity, the waterline, and the storm water drainage systems. We have been accepting bids for the paving, and we hope to begin laying asphalt for the entrance and parking lot soon! Kevin has also been working with the steel manufacturing company as they prepare to fabricate the steel beams to be used for the building (they will be delivered in February).
Meanwhile, Patrick, Museum Design Director, has been making significant progress on designing the exhibit layout. The Creation Museum will provide a powerful visual presentation of the 7 C’s of History—Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross and Consummation—beginning with the events of the six literal days of creation. Visitors will be able to see God’s plan for the redemption of mankind unfold before their very eyes, culminating in the Consummation.
As soon as visitors walk through the front doors of the museum, realistic, life-size scenes providing a snapshot of what the world may have been like before sin and the curse will challenge evolutionary worldviews. Popular beliefs about the history of the universe (millions of years, age of the dinosaurs, etc.) will be confronted; and as visitors progress through the museum, a worldview based on biblical history will be presented in a dynamic, interactive fashion. This important facility will only be built as funds come in—our goal is to have it debt-free when the museum opens—so we appreciate any donations of time, money, and/or materials.
A fundraising banquet for the Creation Museum will be held this fall in Atlanta (23 Nov), with more being planned for the spring of 2003. If you are near the Atlanta area, mark your calendar now and plan on being with us to hear firsthand from Ken Ham and the museum team about the progress we are making! Keep checking this website for the location of a 2003 banquet near you. Please lend your support to this worthy project!