
Dining at the Creation Museum

Whether you are looking for a meal or just a snack, the Creation Museum has several dining options to satisfy your hunger. Enjoy lunch at Noah’s Café or satisfy your sweet tooth with some of Uncle Leroy’s fudge!

Photo of Kentucky
Noah’s Café

Noah’s Café is the perfect stopping place for guests. Located right off the main lobby as you enter the museum, the café features fresh fruits, burgers, sandwiches & meal deals. The café also has a wide range of snacks and beverages.

Monday–Saturday 11 a.m.–6 p.m.
Sunday Closed
  • Buy a Meal, Give a Meal

    The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum are partnering with Children’s Hunger Fund to provide meals for children in need. For every qualifying combo meal purchased at either attraction, a meal will be donated to Children’s Hunger Fund!

    Learn More

Other Dining Options

  • Palm Cafe

    Palm Café

    placeLower Level in Palm Plaza

    restaurantPizza, Breadsticks, Sandwiches, Salads & Meal Deals


    Monday–Saturday 11 a.m.–3 p.m.
    Sunday Closed
  • Noah's Coffee & Ice Cream

    Noah’s Coffee & Ice Cream

    placeMain Hall on Upper Level

    coffeeCoffee, Lattes, Frappés, Smoothies & Ice Cream


    Monday–Saturday 9 a.m.–6 p.m.
    Sunday Closed
  • Tree of Life Cafe

    Tree of Life Café

    placeWelcome Center

    restaurantCookies, Snacks, Coffee, Soda & Smoothies


    Monday–Saturday 9 a.m.–7 p.m.
    Sunday Closed
  • Acacia Gifts & Refreshment

    Acacia Gifts & Refreshments

    placeAdjacent to the Plants of the Bible Conservatory

    restaurantCoffee, Soda & Snacks


    Monday–Saturday 10 a.m.–7 p.m.
    Sunday Closed
  • Uncle Leroy's Fudge

    Uncle Leroy’s Candy Kitchen

    placeLower Level in Legacy Lobby

    cookieCookies, Fudge, Ice Cream & Treats

Safe Dining Options
Safe Dining Options

When dining out, we understand how difficult choices can be when trying to avoid certain ingredients, whether it is due to food intolerances, food allergies, or personal choice. We offer both vegetarian and gluten-free options at Noah’s Café. Please speak to a manager during your visit if you have any questions regarding dietary needs, and we would be glad to assist you!

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