Terry Mortenson

Creation vs. Evolution: Why it Matters with Dr. Terry Mortenson

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Many people today think that Genesis is an ancient book that isn’t important and many think the early chapters of Genesis about the origin and age of the earth are not trustworthy. Many people think that it doesn’t matter what we think about evolution and millions of years. Dr. Mortenson presents some of the Biblical, moral, and scientific reasons for believing that Genesis is vitally relevant to what is taught and happening in our world. What is ultimately at stake is our view of morality, the meaning of life, the truth of the Gospel, and the trustworthiness and authority of the Bible.

This event is free with paid museum admission or museum membership. Seating is first come, first served.

Dr. Terry Mortenson: Dr. Terry Mortenson earned a PhD in history of geology and has lectured on the creation-evolution controversy in 35 countries since the late 1970s.

Learn more about Dr. Terry Mortenson